The core area of our research focus is to provide insight to strengthen national and international action for a healthy, secure and prosperous world economy. To evaluate challenges and potentials presented by long-term structural changes for sustainable development and expansion of international trade in an interdependent world economy. To promote economic growth, technological capabilities and accelerated development in developing countries: adoption of digital transformation policies and measures, good management and structural reforms in both developed and developing countries to achieve the effective and efficient allocation, use and mobilization of human and economic resources and a more favourable international economic environment.
Towards this end, issues in the following interrelated areas would be addressed: Resources for Development; International Trade; Technology; Services; Commodities.
Our publications seeks to build on the platforms provided by the research works carried out by independent researchers and global development institutions. We are encouraged and inspired by the support of various establishments both public and private sectors who share our vision of a prosperous world within the context of international economic cooperation, in particular digital technology adoption and the revitalizing of economic growth and recovery after the immense global economic loss occasioned by covid-19 pandemic.








We do things differently
Fresh thinking is at the heart of our business and all that we do. Our goal is to help those working in the areas of economic and resource development, public and private sectors and digital transformation work together to make the transition to digital technology adoption a smooth and exciting experience.
While our roots are in research, strategy, training, digital transformation and publishing, we recognize our clients need unique support, guidance and we provide tailor made strategy and training sessions to address and resolve issues.
The world of work and livelihood is under going rapid disruptions and governments and private organizations are under severe pressure and expectation. Our role is to help challenge conventional ways of thinking, bringing people together to discover and put into practice research that works and technology that really makes life better.
How do we do this?
In our research and surveys, we focus on logical steps that come together to create meaningful and productive outcome. Our services help to tell their story in a more meaningful way, exciting new formats bring research to life in our publications, strategic sessions, conferences and training, and new innovative platforms help disseminate research more widely. We support openness and transparency, and our drive for quality, instils trust and confidence.
Our values and independence fuel our passion for making a difference and bringing people together to create real impact in the real world. Because to us that’s how real change starts – one idea, one connection, one informed decision at a time.
We address global challenges
We are passionate about leading change and aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We strive to go further by addressing the challenges facing society today particularly in the areas of bridging the digital divide and bringing communities together to share knowledge and foster debate.

Africa Digital Economy and Technology Forum (ADETF) is a public policy think tank committed to articulating and advancing a technology, innovation and productivity public policy agenda for Africa. Despite the dynamic growth of digital technologies and their penetration into the global economy, digital dividends are still lower than expected in Africa. How African countries can gain greater economic and social benefits from digital technologies is our primary focus and concern.
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